When Aishwarya Rai Spoke About Having Séx Before Marriage...
When aishwarya was asked to appear on Oprah's show in 2005, she used the occasion to address some of the common misconceptions about india and share her viewpoint on subjects that struck a deep chord with viewers in the West.
When Oprah questioned aishwarya about public displays of affection—a subject that frequently baffles many in the West—it was one of the most talked-about parts of the conversation. aishwarya explained the cultural differences in her usual elegant way, saying, "It's not exactly a familiar sight. Kissing is not something that happens on the street corner. Since it's a personal expression of feeling, I suppose art mimics life, and our film reflects that.
The subject then turned to premarital sex, which Oprah and many of the audience members probably found quite fascinating. Oprah inquired as to whether it was forbidden or prevalent in India. Simple yet deep, Aishwarya's response was, "Broadly speaking, it isn't the good thing to do."
Aishwarya addressed some of the misunderstandings people had about india, especially with regard to language and family life, in addition to talking about personal subjects. She revealed that a common misconception that appeared to surprise her was that indians did not speak english well. "Why would people think that we don't study English?" she said when they asked whether she had studied abroad to acquire the language. That truly caught me off guard.
Living with one's parents after marriage is another cultural tradition that aishwarya talked about. In response to Oprah's comment on the American custom of children leaving the house by the age of 30, aishwarya said, "In india, it's more about the family, about living together and remaining connected, and that's probably the most special thing."
When aishwarya talked about arranged marriages in her interview, it was one of the more interesting sections. The idea is alien to many in the West, who frequently believe that these kinds of relationships are transactional and devoid of individual choice.
These misconceptions were debunked by Aishwarya, who likened arranged weddings to a "global matchmaking service." "They get engaged, they date, and if it works, they move forward with the alliance," she clarified. Otherwise, they split apart.
Aishwarya Rai was a great cultural ambassador for india because of her ability to speak about these subjects in a clear and elegant manner. She returned for a second interview in 2009, continuing to discuss everything from bollywood to her personal life, because her previous appearance on Oprah had such an impact. aishwarya even convinced Oprah to try on a sari for her debut, strengthening the bond between indian culture and the viewers throughout the world.