A Saudi Man Marries a Student, Teacher, Supervisor, and Principal from the Same School

On social media right now, an odd and contentious post is going viral. One of the guys mentioned in the piece is married for the fourth time, and it's noteworthy to note that all four of his women attend the same school. Many internet users have reposted the post on their accounts since it first appeared on the 'Life in Saudi Arabia' page.
The Viral Post's Specifics:

"A female student, her teacher, the teacher's supervisor, and the school principal all share the same husband," according to the article. social media users have shared it several times and responded to it in different ways.
The Truth of the Incident: 

OpIndia, an indian publication, made an effort to confirm the incident's veracity. According to their analysis, the message was previously shared in 2012 and is not new. "Life in Saudi Arabia," "The Independent," and "Gulf News" all published this information.
Information about the incident:

The man's fourth wife was a secondary school student, according to the 'Life in Saudi Arabia' page. The other two were a teacher and the principal's supervisor, and his second wife was a teacher at the same school. Notably, the four ladies cohabitated contentedly.
Social media Reacts:

On social media, the incident has generated a range of responses. Some thought it was funny, while others thought it was bad. indian internet users in particular characterized the episode as an example of immorality.


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