Aryan Khan's New Year party with rumored girlfriend..!?
Shah Rukh Khan's elder son aryan Khan celebrated the New Year with his rumored girlfriend larissa bonesi in Mumbai. A video of the two getting intimate at the party is going viral on social media. On the occasion of the New Year 2025, bollywood celebrities celebrated. Shah Rukh Khan's elder son aryan Khan attended a brand party with his girlfriend Larissa Bonesi. The two arrived with friends and entered the event without giving any media attention. aryan wore a navy blue blazer, black trousers, and a white t-shirt. Larissa looked stunning in a pink dress.
Larissa was born on march 28, 1990 in Brazil. She is no stranger to the indian entertainment industry. She has acted in films like 'Penthouse', and in music videos like Guru Randhawa's 'Surma Surma'. Some Reddit users trolled that there is an age difference between aryan and Larissa, with her being seven years older. Neither aryan Khan nor larissa bonesi responded to these rumors.