The Guy Who Cheated Samantha, Keerthy Suresh, Rakul Preet...
The owner of Tritiya Jewellers, Kanti Dutt, has been taken into prison by the police. According to the accusations, he has scammed several famous people. During the COVID-19 epidemic, Kanti Dutt and Shilpa reddy co-founded the Sustainable Cart initiative. Celebrities who trusted shilpa Reddy's trustworthiness, including Samantha, Keerthy Suresh, Manchu Lakshmi, and rakul preet singh, backed the project.
Later on, though, Shilpa reddy realized Dutt had cheated on her. She expressed her regret in public to all the celebrities who had contributed to the initiative, making it clear that she had no affiliation with Sustainable Cart. Remarkably, Shilpa reddy has apparently not lodged official police complaints despite being cheated. However, it seems that Kanti Dutt was arrested as a result of Parineeti Chopra's complaint. Dutt wrote about his difficulties with Sustainable Cart on social media just a few days before his arrest. He said that despite his efforts, the organization lost money and had to close.