Balayya - Bobby's Movie Rumoured Title is...
Industry insiders claim that "Daaku Maharaj" is the working title for Balakrishna's superhero movie. We are waiting on an official confirmation. The massively entertaining picture is scheduled to conclude production by november on a large budget. The producers will then concentrate on post-production and marketing initiatives. The movie is scheduled to be released on Saturday, january 12, 2025.
The cast also features Jagapathi Babu, Chandini Chowdary, gautham Vasudev Menon, ravi Kishan, and Shine tom Chacko in addition to bobby Deol. Nandamuri balakrishna will be paired with Niddhi Agerwal in the film. It appears that Nandamuri balakrishna is not the person described in the literature. While many attempt to disseminate tales and rumors about how insecure and conceited celebrities and performers are, NBK frequently disproved such fabrications.