How Dare You Wear More Lipstick than me? Chennai Mayor Transfers Dafadar

The Greater chennai Corporation's (GCC) first female Dafadar, SB Madhavi, said she received a transfer order as retaliation for changing the color of her lipstick. Responding to a memo that was written against her, madhavi stated that E Sivasankaran, Mayor Priya's personal assistant, had requested her to abstain from wearing specific lipstick colors that were considered "striking." On the other hand, Mayor priya refuted the claims, stating that Madhavi's transfer was due to neglect of duty and unrelated to her lipstick.
"During the first week of august, Sivasankaran requested that I abstain from donning strikingly dark lipstick colors. He advised me to emulate the woman he was comparing me to, who had on light-colored lipstick. I told him that he had no business dictating what color lipstick I should wear," madhavi remarked.

A few days after this event, on august 6, Sivasankaran sent madhavi a note along with a quiz on workplace norms, discipline, and timeliness since she had arrived at work thirty minutes after her scheduled reporting time. TNM obtained the memo with the responses provided by Madhavi. The last two questions prompted her to explain why she disobeyed her supervisor's commands and broke office policies, whereas the first three questions focused on her timeliness at work.
Madhavi has requested that the officer list the exact commands that she disobeyed. She stated, "You (referring to E Sivasankaran) told me not to apply lipstick and I didn't wish to comply," in answer to an inquiry about breaking workplace regulations. Please let me know about the government Order (GO) that specifies this regulation if that is against the office rules.
She informed india Herald that she received the transfer order to manali on august 7, one day after responding to the memo. The relocation, according to Madhavi, felt like a punishment. They are aware that I reside far from Ripon Building since I made note of this in my reply to the memo about my delayed arrival. I've been sent to manali now, which is another ten or fifteen kilometers away," the woman said.
According to Mayor priya, the document made explicit why the move was made, as she informed india Herald. "You have to have read the message; she was the target of action only for neglecting her responsibilities. My office staff would have asked that she wear something nice because dafadars are required to wear uniforms, she remarked.
Priya flatly denied being asked if madhavi was requested to change the color of her lipstick. She added, "No one should tell others how to dress; no one was asked that."
Mayor priya claimed that she was only bringing attention to the fact that madhavi did dress in a particular way and insisted that the action against her was unrelated to the lipstick when it was brought up that she had told the Times of india, which broke the story first, that the "mayor's office has ministers and embassy officials visiting frequently, my PA told her not to wear those shades."
Madhavi also said that she was questioned by the Mayor over her fashion show ramp walk at the GCC's march 2023 Women's Day celebrations. "I complied with the Mayor's request to stop attending these events and to stop walking in that manner," the woman stated.

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