TFI Must Ban Them for Life - Else Women's Safety will be in Question

Jani Master, the president of the telugu Film Dancers Association, is the target of charges of sexual harassment made by a female choreographer. Regarding the same, the victim filed a complaint with the Film Chamber and filed a FIR. The telugu Film Chamber of Commerce's Sexual Harassment Redressal Panel members announced the formation of a commission to investigate this accusation, and the Film Chamber called for a press conference. In this instance, they guaranteed a thorough report in ninety days.
The Film Chamber also disclosed that she was offered work by a major production business and a well-known hero. Everything appears to be in order, but the protection of women that the Film Chamber is discussing is absurd. According to Tammareddy Bhardwaja, they resolve problems in private and only come before the media when a case has been reported in the media. To ensure that the industry is a safe environment for women, TFI has had ASARA since 2013 and this Redressal Panel since 2018.

They have only worked on a small number of instances. It's not as though there aren't any examples of sexual harassment in the field. The existence of such a panel or committee is unknown to women in the sector. Furthermore, women cannot be certain that their information will be kept private. 

Even Tammareddy acknowledged that handling such instances will put strain on them. A panel like this must to be present at every organization if the Film Chamber is sincere about protecting women in the workplace. Panelists from this business should not be included on the panel because of its nature. women should often participate in awareness-raising events on how to file complaints in situations like this.

Furthermore, the Chamber's claim that it would not disclose the cases it takes on or resolves is absurd. It appears that the Chamber is attempting to demonstrate that they are making an effort or to take credit for their work if the committee or panel only appears in front of the media when a problem becomes widely known. When a case has a logical conclusion, the guilty party ought to be identified and publicly humiliated. It is only at that point that these offenders will be terrified. Additionally, it will give the victims more faith that the industry would support them.
 Furthermore, the Chamber's claim that it would not disclose the cases it takes on or resolves is absurd. It appears that the Chamber is attempting to demonstrate that they are making an effort or to take credit for their work if the committee or panel only appears in front of the media when a problem becomes widely known. When a case has a logical conclusion, the guilty party ought to be identified and publicly humiliated. It is only at that point that these offenders will be terrified. Additionally, it will give the victims more faith that the industry would support them.

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