Devara Pre-Release Event Cancelled - Who Should Be Blamed?

This month's 27th is the release date of NTR's Devara, and on sunday there will be a pre-release party at the Novotel Hotel in Hyderabad. However, the incident led to total mayhem. Fans haven't seen ntr on the big screen in three years, and he hasn't visited an event in a while. As a result, supporters are quite excited. After a lengthy hiatus, Devara is his solo film.
However, starting on september 20, the Weather Department predicted the possibility of significant rainfall. They have thus chosen an indoor location. Fans traveled to hyderabad to witness their beloved star, from both telugu states and even Karnataka. Shreyas Media, an event management business, completed the necessary preparations, however, the fans who arrived with large rumors felt that the plans were insufficient. Supporters claim that there was total mayhem since the event management business gave out passes that were three to four times larger than the venue's capacity.

The event was scheduled to start between 7.30 and 7.40 PM, but by 6 PM, the auditorium was packed and a large group of people with passes were waiting outside the venue. Fans yelled anti-police and anti-event management business chants as the security and police denied them access. The throng caused suffocation in the supporters' gallery at one point within the auditorium, and several fans even suffered serious injuries after falling over the barriers. The event was canceled around 6:30 PM, according to Novotel Security and police, because of the large number of people waiting outside. Yet, the supporters remained put, believing that the police were disseminating false information to disperse the throng.

Things within the auditorium swiftly spiraled out of control. The area where ntr and other celebrities were scheduled to sit was overrun by fans, outnumbering the bouncers, security, and police. They even entered the stage at one point. Fans were furious and were sitting in protest, yelling anti-Event Management business slogans. The actors' safety was seriously jeopardized by their proximity to the celebrity arena. The police and security personnel were mainly concerned with safeguarding the stage, while the technical staff in charge of the event's video and sound equipment was in a state of terror.
As 9 PM rolled around, spectators lost patience and started to leave the event. Who then is at fault for the entire episode? It is a grave mistake to plan an event for an indoor location. If the passes were allocated by capacity, the Novotel was a reasonable site. Despite being a little bit away from the event, there were plenty of parking places. However, printing three to four times the capacity is a terrible error. The producers and the very experienced event management did not anticipate this. The number of spectators outnumbered the security personnel stationed at the event. Not even the police officers were sufficient.

There were whispers that the event would take place without fans if the organizers left the whole auditorium. However, that did not take place. The bikes were strewn about near the Novotel Gate. There was chaos getting the cars out when the fans suddenly emerged, and there was a severe traffic backup along the Novotel – Cyber Towers stretch. Regardless of who is correct or incorrect, the supporters who traveled great distances to meet their idols were greatly disappointed. What's even more pitiful are certain YouTube channels that encourage viewers to post "Thumbnail-worth" criticism of the film crew and the event management business.


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