The latest trend is the pan-India market, however some heroes have a very misunderstanding of it because of the poor box office performance of their hindi films. A recent example is the movie Double iSmart starring ram and puri jagannadh, which was intended to be successful in the North after iSmart Shankar's Hindi-dubbed version of the video garnered record views on YouTube. Nevertheless, puri cast sanjay dutt as the antagonist in Double iSmart in an attempt to appeal to hindi viewers, and the film failed miserably.
A similar experience was reported by Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas. The Hindi-dubbed version of his film jaya janaki nayaka received millions of views on YouTube. Encouraged by this, Bellamkonda chose to adapt the telugu hit film chatrapathi into hindi, thinking he had won over the hindi audience. However, it ended up being a huge failure.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, which nani aggressively promoted in hindi, is the most recent example. His last movie, Hi Papa (Hi Nanna), received positive reviews from audiences when it was available to stream on Hindi-language platforms. Even still, Nani's most recent hindi film, Surya's Saturday, was a total disaster, despite his ongoing attempts to win over hindi fans. The findings are unambiguous: telugu heroes are not becoming household names in the hindi theater industry because to YouTube or OTT viewing. Instead than depending on these opinions, they ought to concentrate on developing audacious initiatives that would genuinely thrill hindi viewers.