Ostseebad, Germany has no Germans and Women wear Hijab or Burqa !?!


The claim that in Ostseebad, Germany, there are almost no Germans left and women almost all wear hijabs or burqas is likely exaggerated and misrepresents the reality. Ostseebad is a term used to describe seaside resorts along the Baltic sea in Germany, and such areas are still predominantly inhabited by Germans, though they, like many parts of Europe, may have seen an increase in immigration over recent decades.

The presence of women wearing hijabs or burqas in Germany, particularly in areas with larger immigrant populations, is due to the growing Muslim communities from countries like Turkey, Syria, and others. However, this does not mean that these areas are devoid of native Germans or that Islamic dress is ubiquitous.

Germany’s policy on immigration and refugee resettlement, especially after the 2015 refugee crisis, led to a noticeable increase in Muslim populations in certain cities and towns. This has resulted in greater cultural diversity, including in dress codes, but most towns remain multicultural, with a mix of German and immigrant populations.

While concerns about integration and cultural differences are debated in Germany, the portrayal of entire regions as almost entirely devoid of native Germans and dominated by Muslim dress is likely inaccurate or sensationalized.

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