Malayalam actress sensational allegation on Riaz Khan..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Malayalam actress sensational allegation on Riaz Khan..!?
After the report of the hema Committee, many actresses have started talking again about the sexual abuse that happened to them. An actress has filed a sensational complaint against famous actor Riaz Khan. The #MeToo movement set the South indian film industry ablaze in 2017. While the names of many leading celebrities from the tamil, Telugu, and malayalam film industries have already been revealed and damaged through this movement, actresses have again started revealing the names of some actors after Hema's report. In that way, revathi Sampath, a famous actress in the malayalam film industry, has accused Riaz Khan, who is known as a villain actor and character actor in the South indian film industry, of sexual harassment. revathi Sampath has also given an interview to a local television channel about this.
Her mobile number was sent to Riaz Khan by a photographer without her permission. Riaz Khan called her at night and asked if she was interested in sex. revathi Sampath said that not only herself but also her friend was also harassed. It has been reported that when a famous reporter contacted Riaz Khan about this, he said that he did not know who revathi Sampath was. While no actress in the South indian film industry has filed such a complaint against Riaz Khan, revathi Sampath's complaint has created a stir.
Riaz Khan has acted in many films in tamil, Telugu, malayalam, etc especially in tamil Ghajini with Suriya, winner with Prashant, Baba, Aalavanthan with Kamal Haasan, Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu and ponniyin selvan Part 1 and 2.

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