Karani Sena came out in protest against atrocities on Hindus

Kokila Chokkanathan

Karani Sena came out in protest against atrocities on Hindus…

In aligarh too, Karani Sena officials have started protesting, expressing anger against Bangladesh. Karani Sena officials gathered in a group at Tasveer Mahal square and demonstrated fiercely by taking out a rally till the Collectorate. Karani Sena officials have handed over a memorandum addressed to the President to the ADM City. In which they have demanded to put an end to the atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh.

Karnii Sena officials gave a four-day ultimatum and said that if the atrocities on Hindus in bangladesh are not stopped, then Karani Sena will march to Bangladesh. Karani Sena officials, while demonstrating fiercely, handed over a demand letter addressed to the President to the ADM City aligarh at the Collectorate. Karani Sena officials claim that Hindus are being treated inhumanly in bangladesh every day. Karani Sena will not tolerate this. If the demands of Karani Sena are not met, a big demonstration will be held in Aligarh.

Demand to drive out Rohingya Muslims from Aligarh

Karni Sena's state president Thakur Gyanendra Chauhan said that more than 400 Rohingyas are living in aligarh, who should be shown the way out of Aligarh. A demand letter has been submitted to the administration. If the administration does not show the way out to the Rohingyas from aligarh, then the Karni Sena is capable on its own. Karni Sena has all kinds of spears and weapons. Karni Sena will take charge of the front by hitting the Rohingyas with shoes and throwing them out of Aligarh.

Karni Sena's official says that in the current situation, Karni Sena has all kinds of weapons. If needed, Karni Sena will take charge of the front itself. If the administration does not take action on the demands of Karni Sena soon, then a big demonstration will be held in Aligarh.

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