Wayanad Vandalism is a story written by a school girl..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Wayanad Vandalism is a story written by a school girl..!?
Wayanad Vandalism is a story written by a schoolgirl. Generally, when something strange happens, Many people say that Lord Brahma said that! In the same order, many people in the country and abroad are referring to some other incidents. It is known about the recent destruction in wayanad, Kerala. It is said that it will take time to fully assess the loss of life and property caused by nature's fury in Wayanad. At this level, the nature has destroyed Wayanad. At this time, it is said that a schoolgirl mentioned this nuisance in a story she wrote a year ago. Yes. It is known that there is currently a discussion going on across the country about the destruction of Wayanad. It is said that no clarity has been reached on the damage caused by this natural outburst. In this background, it is said that a schoolgirl wrote about this incident a year ago. That story was also published in the school magazine. It is said to be very close to the latest wayanad situation.
The story written by that girl and published in the school magazine has a happy ending, but the recent incident in reality has turned into a serious tragedy. As for this story, Laya, a student in eighth grade at government Higher Secondary school in wayanad, wrote about a girl who drowns in a waterfall. In this story, the girl drowns in that water and dies! But after dying like that she returns to the village in the form of a bird. The bird that returned like that, spoke to the children of that village. As a part of this, she warned that there was going to be a big accident here to run away from that town. After the warning of this bird, when they looked back, the rainwater was flowing fast from the hill.
The bird that warned the children of the village later turns into a girl. That is, in the story written by Laya, there are warnings about the impending danger. The story will have a happy ending as the people of the village will be saved! But the recent incident in wayanad has left a deep tragedy!While kerala Infrastructure and technology for education (KITE) Chief Executive Officer K. Anawar Sadat shared this post on social media. Now this thing has gone viral!

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