World Lung Cancer Day - Close the Care Gap...

S Venkateshwari
World lung cancer Day -  Close the Care Gap...

One of the most prevalent forms of cancer, lung cancer takes the lives of over a million people annually. Chest pain, bloody coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, and weight loss are some of the early indicators of lung cancer. Tobacco usage is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Pollution exposure is a close second. lung cancer is highly prevalent in india as a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices and air pollution. World lung cancer Day is commemorated annually to increase awareness and investigate prevention strategies. Here are some things to remember as we prepare to mark this significant day.

World lung cancer Day

August 1st is designated as World lung cancer Day each year. The big day falls on thursday this year.

History of World lung cancer Day 

The international Association for the Study of lung cancer (IASLC) and the Forum of international Respiratory Societies (FIRS) decided in 2012 that august 1st would be recognized annually as World lung cancer Day in order to increase awareness of the disease and the unhealthy lifestyle choices that we must make in order to stay safe. Ever since, August 1st has been recognized annually as World lung cancer Day.

"Close the care gap: Everyone deserves access to cancer care".- 2024 Theme - World lung cancer Day 

The possible danger of lung cancer, prevention advice, lifestyle modifications, and available treatments are all emphadata-sized on World lung cancer Day each year. The risk of lung cancer and the importance of early detection are educated to the public. On this day, people can also join together to discuss how to make cancer treatment more inexpensive and accessible for everyone.

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