BJP Demands Love Jihad Bill in Telangana

N.V. Subhash, a bjp spokesman, encouraged the telangana government to propose a love Jihad bill that is modelled after the laws in Uttar Pradesh. He brought up worries about illegal immigration, saying it intends to change the demographic balance of the area. Subhash emphasised the importance of national interest over political benefits and lambasted the current administration for its purported appeasement practices. 

Subhash commended the outcomes and impending revisions to the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Bill, which was announced by chief minister Yogi Adityanath in february 2021. Similar laws, he claimed, would address forced conversions and shield Hindu females from extremist influences in Telangana.

The UP Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of religion (Amendment) Bill 2024, also known as anti-love jihad law, which was introduced on monday in the House, was passed in the Uttar Pradesh assembly on tuesday during the Monsoon Session Proceedings. The amendment hardened the provisions to punish the culprits. The punishment for the already-defined crimes has been increased, now, the convict will data-face maximum life imprisonment.

Under the amended provisions, if a person threatens, attacks, marries or promises to marry or conspires for it, or traffics a woman, minor or anyone with the intention of conversion, then his crime will be placed in the most serious category. The amended bill provides for 20-year imprisonment or life imprisonment in such cases.

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