July 21, 2024 was the hottest day on Earth - Record Broken next day

NASA's examination of worldwide daily temperature data indicates that July 22, 2024, was the hottest day on record for Earth, with an astounding 17.15°C global average temperature. The previous high, which was reached on July 21st at 17.09°C, was eclipsed by this new record. The previous record was surpassed on July 23, indicating a worrying pattern of rising global temperatures.
These historically high temperatures are a result of a long-term warming trend brought on by human activity, particularly the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. NASA's vast capabilities for gathering and analysing data have been essential in tracking these shifts.

"In a year that has been the hottest on record to date, these past two weeks have been particularly brutal," said nasa Administrator Bill Nelson. "Through our over two dozen Earth-observing satellites and over 60 years of data, nasa is providing critical analyses of how our planet is changing and how local communities can prepare, adapt, and stay safe."

The Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) and Goddard Earth Observing System Forward Processing (GEOS-FP) systems were used to analyse the data for the preliminary findings.
Using atmospheric models, these systems aggregate millions of worldwide measurements from air, space, ground, and satellite instrumentation. Rapid, almost real-time weather data is provided by GEOS-FP, and the utilisation of the best available observations is guaranteed by MERRA-2.
The MERRA-2 daily global average temperature data for 1980–2022 are displayed in white, 2023 values in pink, and 2024–June values in red.

The purple dots represent the daily global temperature readings from GEOS-FP for the period of July 1–23, 2024. These findings, which show a considerable rise in global temperatures, are consistent with an independent analysis from the european Union's Copernicus Earth Observation Programme.

The most recent data comes after nasa scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York recorded monthly temperatures for 13 straight months. Their research, which is based on the GISTEMP record, provides a long-term picture of variations in global temperature at monthly and yearly resolutions going all the way back to the late 19th century using surdata-face observational data.
The necessity for immediate global action to slow down climate change is highlighted by the rising temperatures.

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