Chandipura virus that attacks children..!? Gujarat government alert..!!

Sowmiya Sriram
Chandipura virus that attacks children..!? gujarat government alert..!!
16 died of Chandipura virus and 50 cases reported says gujarat health Minister. The increasing incidence of the Chandipura virus in gujarat has created fear among the public. Talking about this, the minister of People's Welfare, Rushikesh Patel, said that 50 people have been affected by the Chandipura virus across the state and 16 people have died. Also, 14 cases of Chandipura virus have been reported in Himmatpur. Seven of them have been hospitalized. Three people infected with the Chandipura virus are from other states. Awareness is being created in every village and community health center," he said.
Chandipura virus infection is suspected in many districts of Gujarat. Subsequently, the chief minister held a consultation with the State Municipal Commissioners, district Collectors, district Development Officers, and Chief district health Officers through video conferencing and advised them to take necessary steps. A ministerial-level consultation has also been held and it has been urged to accelerate disease prevention measures. He advised to take measures to provide immediate treatment for any type of fever.
Chandipura vesiculovirus, often referred to as Chandipura virus (CHPV). It belongs to the Rhabtoviridae family. The virus was first identified in 1965 in the Chandipura district of Maharashtra, India. The virus has been warned to cause primarily acute encephalitis, particularly acute encephalitis in children. Chandipura virus is primarily transmitted by vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, and sand flies. Infection is spread when these infected sandflies bite humans and inject the virus into their bloodstream. Other possible modes of transmission, although less common, can also be spread through contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person or animal. Symptoms of Chandipura virus infection usually appear suddenly and progress rapidly. High fever, headache, and vomiting are common symptoms. In severe cases, the patient may go into a coma. The infection primarily affects children and can quickly become overwhelming. Early detection and treatment of disease effects is important to prevent complications.

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