Babu and Lokesh are correcting Jagan's mistakes..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Babu and lokesh are correcting Jagan's mistakes..!?
* There is a clear difference between Jagan's regime and Babu's regime.
* Did not stop the corruption of those leaders.
* Will there be a change in the former cm jagan in the coming days?
From 2019 to 2024, there was a clear difference in the way Chandrababu dealt with the people as soon as the party came to power. The comments show that while Babu seems adamant about providing Jan rajaka rule, jagan has created a situation where the party cannot recover with anti-public decisions. The system of volunteers introduced by jagan widened the gap between the leaders and the people and played a vital role in the defeat of YCP. However, comments are heard that Chandrababu and nara lokesh are correcting Jagan's mistakes. Whatever mistakes jagan made in the past, Chandrababu and the alliance leaders are not making those mistakes at all. It is noteworthy that Chandrababu and lokesh are just a call away from everyone from booth-level leaders to MLAs and MPs and are receiving the praise of the people of AP.
Chandrababu as cm distributed a 7,000 rupees pension to grandparents in the state on the 1st of this month and received praise from grandparents. Chandrababu will distribute a pension of Rs 4,000 from next month. It must be said that while Babu and lokesh are taking the lead by including the leaders of all communities, jagan has alienated his own social class as well.

Jagan's party's failure to stop the corruption of ycp workers and leaders is also responsible for the current situation. Recently, if a minister's wife behaves according to her wishes, Chandrababu himself has suggested to intervene and deal carefully with the officials. Chandrababu is taking steps to resolve the division issues with telangana state as well. It can be said that jagan needs to learn a lot from Babu's rule. Opinions are being expressed that we have to see if there will be a change in the former cm jagan in the coming days.

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