Chandrababu's plan is not to repeat Jagan's mistakes..?

Sowmiya Sriram
Chandrababu's plan is not to repeat Jagan's mistakes..?
* people gave them great success and brought them to power.
* Babu paid special attention to that system.
* Chandrababu is moving forward very cautiously.
In any state, when the assembly parliament elections are held, the party in power at that time suffered a heavy defeat, but that party must have made many mistakes. If not, there will be no more serious defeat. A few days ago, assembly and parliament elections were held in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The ycp was in power in andhra pradesh state till this election. In the assembly elections held in 2019, the ycp party won 151 assembly seats. people gave them great success and brought them to power. In the assembly elections held in 2024, this party got only 11 assembly seats.
This shows how much the people of andhra pradesh are against this party. Many people have been expressing their opinion that only through some of the schemes implemented by them, the negativity of the people has increased against them, and that is why they got this level of defeat.Telugu Desam party came to power after the elections. chandrababu naidu is currently the Chief Minister. With that, it seems that chandrababu naidu is moving forward very cautiously so as not to repeat any of the mistakes made by the previous government.
When the ycp government came to power, it introduced a voluntary system. As part of this, a volunteer should meet the needs of each household under his jurisdiction. By doing this, the people's relations with party MLAs, MPs, and activists have been completely reduced. This is a major risk posed by the volunteer system. Realizing this, Chandrababu is not showing much interest in the volunteer system. It seems that Chandrababu has focused on the way leaders and activists go to the people and find out the problems. Also, it seems that Chandrababu is going to move ahead according to the plan to prevent many mistakes made by the previous government from happening again.

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