Hyderabad witnesses spurt in seasonal flu, influenza infections

Physicians, immunologists, and public health experts in hyderabad are reporting a notable surge in illnesses linked to viral infections, influenza, and seasonal flu. They note that the spike in illnesses during the past week or two may be a blatant sign of an unidentified viral virus that is doing the rounds in Hyderabad.

Caretakers are concerned that the current spike in viral infections in hyderabad may be a warning of an impending major wave of upper respiratory infections, such as severe pneumonia, which is an infection of the lungs.
An influenza outbreak shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone because, in march 2023, there was a notable spike in infections in hyderabad caused by influenza A (H1N1) and another subtype A (H3N2) cases, which were later verified by surveillance data from the indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

These days, hospitals in hyderabad usually get patients who have the symptoms of the seasonal flu. In some cases, the virus spreads to the upper respiratory tract and even to the lower respiratory tract, infecting the lungs within a few days.
Oseltamivir, a medication sold under the trade name Tamiflu, is increasingly prescribed and consumed for the treatment of patients in Hyderabad. Doctors here noted that the treatment of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is a sign that certain flu-positive patients—likely those with concomitant conditions—are experiencing severe symptoms.

In hyderabad, we have seen severe viral flare-ups throughout the past 10 days. people are increasingly experiencing upper and lower respiratory tract infections from even a mild flu due to immunological alterations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in a substantial portion of the population. Senior immunologist from hyderabad Dr Vyakaranam Nageshwar adds, "I am hoping that this sudden rise in infections does not lead to a major surge of pneumonia or viral infections."
However, senior physicians at Fever Hospital, Nallakunta, the government-run referral center for seasonal illnesses, have stated that they have not yet noticed a significant increase in viral infections.

We are now seeing a small number of seasonal flu cases, which is typical given the changing weather, as well as a small number of intermittent dengue infections. We haven't been able to observe any type of pattern thus far that would suggest significant flare-up instances similar to pneumonia. According to Dr. K Shankar, superintendent of fever hospitals, "it is always better to keep taking precautions by leading a healthy and active life for an average person on the street."
Physicians point out that the best course of action is to take measures since bad weather is perfect for spreading bacterial and viral diseases.

How to prevent viral flu/ conjunctivitis etc?
• Avoid shaking hands, sharing food, water and clothes, with someone who is sick,
• Wash hands frequently, as well as use hand sanitizers often, to avoid being infected
• Minimize contamination of hands, avoid touching door handles, table tops, lift buttons, stair banisters, and railings in public places
• Cover your mouth while sneezing/cough, to avoid infecting people around you
• Use disposable tissues if you have cough/ cold and discard them after use
• If you have any health emergency feel free to call 108 ambulance services

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