‘100 crore Hindus will’ - Demands release of lynching Accused

Thousands of supporters of the Bajrang Dal and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) came to the streets of chhattisgarh raipur, demanding the immediate release of four people who are suspected of lynching three Muslim males. Several religious leaders participated in the massive demonstration, which featured placards reading "Gau Rakshako saman mai Hindu Samaj Maidan mai, jai Shri Ram." police officers kept a careful eye on the event while it was being held.

A gang of ten to twelve lads from the Bajrang Dal Hindutva and VHP are accused of chasing a car carrying three Muslim males, identified as Guddu Khan, 35, Chand Mian Khan, 23, and Saddam, as it was parked close to the Mahasamund river in Arang, raipur, earlier this month. On the pretext that they were carrying a cow, the accused halted their car and attacked the three of them. Ten days after receiving treatment, the third victim passed away from his injuries, while the other two guys died instantly.
After the event, which caused an outcry, raipur police detained the offenders, who were identified as raja Agarwal, mayank Sharma, Harsh Mishra, naveen Singh Thakur, and Bharatiya Janata yuva Morcha leader.

The defendants are facing accusations of both responsible homicide and attempted murder.
The goal of the march, which was arranged by the Bajrang Dal and VHP groups, is to have the imprisoned people released. Some religious leaders have even threatened to 'bring out 100 crore Hindus in the field' if the accused are not released.


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