Ayyanna was not given the post of minister just for that promotion..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Ayyanna was not given the post of minister just for that promotion..!?
- Ayyanna has obviously pinned his hopes on the post of minister.
-Chances of him being given the post of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
- He will get more votes in the ap Assembly.
When he opens his mouth, it is common to make sharp comments on the opposition. No one is hurt. But, there is spice in his words. He is the character of Chintakayala. When you hear this name, tdp comes to your mind. He is working in that party with such commitment. Annagaru has been with the party even since NTR's reign. Even his followers and party leaders say that he has not achieved much in his long political career. In the past, he held the post of minister during his brother's tenure. He served as a state minister at the age of 25. Later, he became known as the minister of Forestry during Chandrababu's regime. Ayyanna, who won the latest election from the Narsipatnam constituency, has obviously pinned his hopes on the post of minister.
But, exceptionally, he did not get the position. In fact, many people from visakha district have pinned their hopes on ministerial posts. But, except for Anita Vangalapudi, no one got a degree in yoga. There are many on this list. As for Ayyanna, according to the current talk, there are chances of him being given the post of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Due to age, Another senior leader Butchayya Chaudhary is an elder, so Ayyanna has a chance to hand over this post. He has played a key role in many assemblies, including seniority. He also observed closely for many years in conducting the affairs of the assembly. With this, there are also expectations that if he is, he will get more votes in the ap Assembly. Besides, now there is no opposition. In this context, the assembly has to be conducted more carefully. It seems that the concept of correctness is visible in cm Chandrababu. Observers say that it is in this context that he was not given the post of minister. Let's see what will happen.

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