The Most Crucial Day for OTT's Future

Top OTT platforms including Netflix, Disney, and Amazon, together with IT behemoths google and Meta, have been called to a meeting by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) on june 14. New rules for broadcast services, including streaming platforms, will be discussed on the agenda. The government put out a new bill last year that would regulate the broadcasting industry, including OTT platforms, in a manner akin to that of cable TV. Concerns over possible effects on artistic freedom and expression have been raised by this.

OTT platforms could need to be officially certified and subject to regulatory committee scrutiny under the proposed law. Given that OTT platforms want to have content assessment committees analyze and approve programs before distribution, they are concerned that this may restrict artistic expression. Currently, pre-screening procedures for streaming content are circumvented, in contrast to films screened in theatres.

Due to the abundance of online information, Netflix and other companies have expressed concern that these committees may result in over-inspection of content and make implementation more difficult. On the other hand, the government contends that these actions will encourage strong self-regulation. They suggest creating a Broadcast Advisory Council (BAC) to address concerns about code violations and content infractions, as well as a Content Evaluation Committee (CEC) for self-certification.

The continuing regulatory negotiations are further complicated by the controversy surrounding Netflix's planned film Maharaj, which has sparked protests from Hindu organizations and a stay order imposed by the gujarat high court just ahead of its scheduled release. How the MIB will handle these matters is still up in the air, particularly concerning striking a balance between maintaining creative freedoms and maintaining regulatory monitoring in the OTT environment.


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