Priyanka Chopra was reluctant to act with Vijay reveals her Mother Madhu

Priyanka Chopra is without a doubt one of India's most successful actors, now working mostly in hollywood projects. However, the former Miss World made her debut in indian cinema with a tamil film starring Superstar Thalapathy Vijay.
When asked about her debut in the South with the film Thamizhan, her mother Madhu Chopra revealed some intriguing facts about the actress. In a recent interview with Filmygyan, the actress' mother revealed that she was first hesitant to do films and was in tears.
However, she had obtained the tamil film from an acquaintance, and as an obedient kid, her mother demanded she perform the film, which became her debut effort.

When asked about priyanka Chopra's experience working with Thalapathy Vijay, the actress' mother stated, "When she was shooting for the film, she began to like it." Despite her lack of familiarity with the language, she found it enjoyable. The personnel even assisted her a lot and treated her with dignity."
Madhu Chopra recalled her recollections and said that Vijay is a gentleman. However, priyanka initially struggled to keep up with him during dances. This prompted the actress to practise with choreographer raju sundaram from early till evening. This made the actor enjoy the movie process and even helped her develop her own persona.

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