NTR Nowhere when TDP was suffering?

The possibility of jr ntr being active in tdp has been discussed for many years, and it is unlikely to go away very soon. Now, this matter has been raised in front of tdp leader Nimmala Ramanaidu, and here is what he has to say. When asked about buddha Venkanna's recent statement that ntr is not a member of the tdp and whether this is an attempt to elevate ntr above lokesh, the veteran responded firmly.
"NTR Garu has not exhibited an interest in politics. He is concentrating on his flicks. We can't talk about hypothetical issues like if he is a part of tdp plans. All we can say is that the tdp had its most difficult moments from 2019 to 2024 under Jagan. Even while ysr was the chief minister, our party did not confront similar conditions, but jagan caused us problems. So, whoever supported the party throughout these difficult times is what important." Nimmala spoke. Nimmala claimed that chandrababu naidu and lokesh took on all of the party's struggles during the worst periods, demonstrating their priorities.

NTR has long been criticised for failing to denounce the savage attacks against the tdp, including verbal attacks on bhuvaneshwari and the arrest of CBN. Nimmala's new statements have a similar tone.

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