Telangana - DPH issues health advisory ahead of rainy season in State

Light to moderate rainfall or thundershowers in Telangana, as projected by IMD-Hyderabad, may provide relief from the summer heat, but the moderate temperatures and humidity may also serve as a breeding ground for a variety of viral illnesses, as well as mosquito, food, and waterborne diseases.
Dr. B. Ravinder Nayak, the director of Public health and Family Welfare, has released a warning outlining health measures to take during the rainy season. To be healthy during the rainy season, keep an eye out for mosquitos that carry malaria, dengue fever, and chikungunya.

Observing every friday as a Dry Day to remove stagnant water from outside the house, as well as discarding flower pots, cans, tires, buckets, coolers, ditches, and drains, would help eliminate mosquito breeding opportunities. Trim lawns to the shortest feasible length.
To avoid water-borne diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, jaundice, and typhoid, the advice recommends drinking and carrying filtered/boiled water from home, bottled water when outside, and washing hands often, particularly before and after meals and after using the lavatory.

"Use and carry hand sanitizers with you, avoid eating outside, especially raw, pre-cut, and uncovered food sold in the open like chaat, salads, fruits, and juices, and eat freshly made home-cooked food and discard leftovers as far as possible," the warning stated.
To protect against airborne diseases such as viral fever, conjunctivitis, and influenza, the advice states, "Avoid shaking hands, sharing food, water, and clothes with someone who is sick, or when sick yourself, wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizers frequently to avoid being infected."
To avoid infecting others, avoid touching door handles, table tops, lift buttons, stair banisters, and railings in public areas. Additionally, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.

Health advisory during rains:
* Secure doors and windows with mosquito nets/screens
* Any holes in the net should be promptly closed
* Keep windows and doors shut during early morning and evening
* Cover beds and cribs with mosquito nets, preferably insecticide-treated
* Net should have 156 holes in a square inch and tuck around the bed
* Children should wear light-colored clothes which will cover their arms as well as legs
* Apply mosquito repellent like creams/lotions before going outdoor
* Maintain drains to prevent water stagnation.
* Cover septic tanks with a mesh to prevent mosquito breeding

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