Pooja Hegde reveals When She Will Act in 'SUCH' movies

Pooja Hegde, an actress from coastal Karnataka, spoke with the local Tulu media after attending a religious ceremony at the Kanajar Brahmalingeshwara temple. Speaking in Tulu, the actress talked about her early years, her experience competing in beauty pageants, and how she finally broke into the movie business.

Pooja Hegde remarked, "I have wonderful memories of my childhood days here," in an interview with india Herald. I used to come here to my grandfather's house in Kanajar throughout the summer. During the summer holidays, my cousins and other relatives and I used to visit. This was where we would spend most of our trips. When my holidays ended and I had to return to Mumbai, I would frequently cry.

Regarding her experience in beauty pageants, the actress remarked that while it was an amazing time, she was scarcely aware of the pageant at first and that no one could advise her on how to be ready for such important occasions. Speaking of her Tulu culture and her links to the past, she claimed that her family had been worshipping these deities for many generations and that she had grown up believing that deities might grant her wishes.

"I have been able to achieve what I have up to this point because, in my opinion, the Tulu Daivas (deities) have also blessed and guided me in my career," pooja said. The actress stated even before she signed off that she would be willing to work in Tulu and kannada language films if better prospects presented themselves.

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