The action romance film Tadap, directed by Sajid Nadiadwala, marked the beginning of Ahan Shetty's acting career in 2021. Suniel and Mana Shetty are his parents. Ahan is currently preparing to work with the director again on the recently revealed film Sanki, in which he will co-star with actress pooja Hegde. The film will combine action and musical aspects, with seven songs in all, according to exclusive information that india Herald was able to get.
Pooja Hegde will be used for romantic Purposes in the movie. According to exclusive information obtained by india Herald, Sajid Nadiadwala's upcoming film Sanki is expected to be a musical-action spectacular. It is imagined as a modernized Aashiqui with action in the background, described as a modern twist on the romantic-action genre. Seven songs are planned for the Ahan Shetty and pooja hegde film, and several composers are expected to contribute to the soundtrack.
According to insider information, the film is expected to start shooting in the next one to two months, in the summer, and the locations are still being decided. The official project announcement disclosed that Yasir Jah and Adnan A. Shaikh will be directing the movie. Both of the new directors have major credits as ADs on Tadap and the baaghi series to their names. Rajat Aroraa will write the script for the film.