Since the release of Mahesh Babu's Sarkaaru Vaari Paata, famed "Mahanati" actress Keerthy suresh has begun displaying her gorgeous side. The Malayali diva had a hot appearance, whether it was in the sleeveless tops and thigh-high slit skirts she wore in the Ma Ma Mahesha song or the short dresses she wore during the film's advertising.
Keerthy suresh recently shared some images of her from a photoshoot in which she participated in an occasion. She donned a neon-colored blazer for the session, and it looks like she removed her shirt and bra. Since Keerthy has never before in her career flaunted such a hot style, all of her pictures are currently trending. Keerthy suresh is just oozing the oomph all the way and has taken our breaths away.
All of the outstanding actress's actions seem to indicate that she is prepared for a major fight on the silver screen in masala flicks as well. Keerthy had previously opposed the notion of acting glamorously, but it appears that she has since altered her mind. We'll have to wait and see if anyone will take advantage of this 29-year-old beauty's splendour treat. watch out this space for more updates in this regard.