Regarding the farmers protection, tamil Nadu cm Stalin said, "So far, 17 lakh 46 thousand hectares have been cultivated in the current samba season. According to a study conducted yesterday, 68,652 hectares have been immersed in water. I've asked officials from the Departments of Water Resources and Rural local government to take the appropriate steps to drain the stagnant water. To protect as many crops as possible, precautions are being made. As a result, farmers will receive the required help for replanting on lands where crops cannot be protected.
A village-by-village survey is also ongoing, which I have stated should be finished as quickly as feasible. As a result, I'd like to assure you that immediate action will be taken to pay suitable compensation to farmers whose crops have been completely destroyed by the recent rains. It is well known that when this administration was in power, it was forced to pay Rs 65 crore for the 4000 km stretch of the Cauvery water outflow, particularly in the delta areas. Furthermore, residents in the area, particularly in the delta region, are well aware that the present heavy rains are leading to the accumulation of stagnant water.
Furthermore, thanks to several government initiatives to encourage agriculture, 4.9 lakh hectares of paddy have been grown and paddy procured this year, a record for any other year. In each condition and in any circumstance, the DMK is the government that will safeguard the farmers. You don't need to know if the government will comprehend; you're smarter than that. It has rained hard during the current northeast monsoon, and our government has taken a variety of preventative precautions in the last four months."