Get rid off facial hair by these simple steps

Ladies follow many tips to maintain their beauty. Earlier, these tips are followed with the ingredients available in kitchen. Slowly, they started relaying on the products available in the market. Ladies can multiply their beauty with the ingredients available at home. There are many benefits with them.

Ladies look very ugly with hairs on their data-face. To remove them, here is a simple technique. Take a pinch of salt. Add rice flour and curd. Apply this on data-face equally and allow it to dry. Wash with cool water. Follow this thrice a week. The growth of unwanted hair comes down.

If you cant go out for waxing, don’t worry. Take some sugar, lemon juice and water. Add them. Heat t to some extent. It shouldn’t burn your skin. Apply it on skin. Take egg white now. Add 1 table spoon of sugar and a spoon of jowar powder. Mix it to paste. Apply on hair. Let it dry till it forms a mask.

The unwanted hair will be removed now. With this simple technique, we can remove unwanted hair on the data-face and body without going out. 

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