Mindful techniques be instrumental in reducing stress and promoting positive psychological outcomes


Life can get better with age with mindfulness because older people have the wisdom and time to use mindfulness as a means to improve overall well-being, according to a new study.


Mindfulness refers to the natural human ability to be aware of one's experiences and to pay attention to the present moment in a purposeful, receptive, and non-judgmental way. According to the researchers, certain characteristics of mindfulness seem more strongly evident in older people compared to younger people - and suggest ways for all ages to benefit.


From middle age to old age, the survey highlights the tendency to focus on the present moment and adopt a non-judgmental orientation may become especially important for well-being with advancing age. For the findings, the researchers assessed participants' mindful qualities such as present-moment attention, acceptance, non-attachment and examined the relationships of these qualities with well-being more generally.

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