How to beautify your Nails?
You will need a few tools in order to make your nails look healthy and beautiful. You might have to spend a little money to accumulate everything you need, but over time doing your own nails is much less expensive than getting manicures. Here is what you need: Nail trimmers, Nail file, Polish remover, Cotton balls, Buffer Cuticle, cream Hand lotion, Orange stick.
Soaking your nails softens them and makes them easier to trim. It also makes your cuticles more supple and easier to push back. Soak for about five minutes, until your nails are pliable, then dry them on a towel.
When you're using a nail file, move it in one direction across the tip of your nail. Don't scrape it back and forth, since this damage your nail fibers. Avoid using a file to make your nails shorter; always start with a nail trimmer, then use the file just for shaping purposes. Do not round the corners down into the sides of the nail bed, because this can cause ingrown nails, especially on the big toes.