Amazing beauty tips with Lemon Juice


Lemon can be used to make your nail grow faster and it also helps in whitening your nails and making them stronger. For this mix lemon juice with garlic paste and regularly apply it on your nails’ tip regularly for a week. You will notice a visible growth in your nails also it will help to make your nails stronger reducing the tacky looking yellow nails.

You must have heard that lemon juice can help in removing stains from clothes but not just that it also helps in removing tooth stains and helps in making them whiter. Mix lemon juice in baking soda and apply this mixture on your teeth and use a toothbrush for scrubbing. After doing it for 10-12 minutes rinse off your teeth doing this for regularly can give you visibly whiter teeth inexpensively.

Lemon can help in reducing blackheads before you even realize. Take half cut lemon and squeeze its juice on your data-face regularly for a week. It will really help in fading your black heads. Or you can also massage honey and lemon pack on your data-face regularly for a week.

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