How to remove white heads over nose naturally?


One of the simplest and most handy products useful for the removal of the black and white heads is toothpaste. Dab on some toothpaste on the affected areas and let it dry. You can see instant results. Just touch the areas and you will find that the rough and uneven skin has become smooth and soft. Repeating this step every alternative day for 2 weeks will help you a lot.

Potato is a very common vegetable available at our home. You need to make a pulp of raw potato by grinding some of its cut pieces. Now squeeze the juice and apply over the black head and white head area. You need to wait till the juice dries and then remove it with water.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add a pinch of salt to it. It is one of the simplest recipes to fight the stubborn whiteheads & blackheads. Apply the solution on the areas you see the traces of blackheads or whiteheads or both. Wash you data-face after 20 minutes with lukewarm water.


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