Single Desi Guy Fighting Against MNC Giant

Breastfeeding has several health advantages since milk includes many nutritional nutrients that aid in the baby's growth. milk is a natural and scientific phenomena that occurs to every mother after giving birth. For the first six months of life, it supplies all the nutrients a newborn needs, including fat, carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. However, a lot of companies spread false information regarding nursing, stating that it lacks the essential nutrients required for a baby's growth. One of the large corporations that persuaded indian moms to feed their children more food in place of breast milk is Nestlé.

They stated that it offers more health advantages than breast milk, which is true and puts many infants at risk since it causes a number of ailments and also results in child deaths. In India, advertising for infant food products has been prohibited since the 1990s. due to a single scientist who served as Nestlé's fiercest adversary, Dr. Arun. It has been scientifically demonstrated that the Nestlé powdered goods being given to the moms are inadequate.
He observed that Nestlé representatives were dressed as nurses, advising new moms to give their infants supplemental food instead of breast milk. This eventually caused the mothers' milk supply to run out and the babies to become more reliant on the supplemental food. With considerable perseverance, he overcame this problem and succeeded in having a 1992 law prohibiting all advertisements for infant food. There is no doubt that a newborn receives the maximum nutrition from their mother's milk, thus there is no need to think twice in this case.


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