Python Bites Man's Balls in Toilet

In a terrifying occurrence that happened in Thailand, a guy got bitten by a snake while using the bathroom. tuesday morning, Thanat Thangtewanon awoke with a strong discomfort in his testicles from sitting on the toilet. He said in a data-facebook post that as he glanced down, a 12-foot python had taken a hold of his privates. "I sensed a biting sensation." I wanted to see what was wrong, so I placed my hands in the toilet since it hurt so much. The fact that I caught a snake startled me," he remarked.

According to Tangtewanon, the snake clung tenaciously to his scrotum and would not budge. With a toilet brush in hand, the Thai guy started pounding the snake's head until it released its grip.
"I got up fast and took it out. According to The New York Post, Tangtewanon stated, "I was more shocked to have found a python in the toilet. I felt pain, really bad pain, and there was blood everywhere." He said in his data-facebook post that during the "very scary" experience, the python also bit his finger.

Tangtewanon lives in the Thai province of Samut Prakan. Using the toilet brush, he was able to kill the snake, and then he phoned the guard to dispose of it.
His data-facebook post displays bloodstains on the bathroom floor and toilet seat.
After the incident, the Thai guy said he phoned his neighbors next door to get help getting him to the hospital. Fortunately, he did not require sutures because the python is not a poisonous snake. He was given a tetanus injection and then released.
"I'm glad it wasn't a poisonous snake." The UK Mirror cited Tangtewanon as adding, "A cobra would have killed me."

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