Horrible! Two Rottweilers Attack a Five-Year-Old in Park...

S Venkateshwari

Horrible! Two Rottweilers Attack a Five-Year-Old in Park...

After a five-year-old child was seriously injured last night in a park in chennai by two Rottweiler dogs, the debate against owning dangerous breeds of dogs as pets has flared up again. A case of negligence has been brought against the dog owner, who is being held by the police. Two more dog caregivers have been added to the list of accused persons in this case.

The event happened at a public park in Chennai's Thousand Lights neighborhood, according to the investigators. They claimed that the owner had abandoned the pets. It is said that the owner did not step in until the girl's parents hurried to save her and sounded the alarm when the dogs assaulted the young girl. The father of the girl is a park security guard. Senior police officer Shekhar Deshmukh stated, "We have arrested the owner and registered a case against two other people who take care of the dogs." The two dogs are seen on park security camera footage.

At a private hospital, five-year-old Sudaksha is receiving medical attention. According to police sources, the Rottweilers' owner had not vaccinated them. The terrible event occurred at a time when attacks by fierce breed pets have spurred discussion over whether or not such animals belong as pets in residential areas. The Center requested in march that states outlaw the breeding and sale of twenty-three vicious dog breeds, such as Pitbull Terriers, American Bulldogs, Rottweilers, and Mastiffs. The rule further stipulated that immediate sterilisation of certain breeds as pets was required. The Animal Husbandry Department announced that it has received requests to outlaw the ownership of certain breeds as pets from animal welfare organizations and citizen forums.

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