VIDEO - Man Washed Away at Falls while making Instagram Reels

S Venkateshwari
On sunday night in Shivamogga's kollur, a young man was spotted in karnataka washing away at Arasinagundi Falls while taking instagram videos. His friend was filming as he was performing, so he was able to capture the entire sad scene on tape. The man was spotted performing while standing by the river's side in a video that quickly became popular. He quickly fell into the river and was swept away by the powerful current.

The hunt for the guy is ongoing, according to sources in the local media, and he has not yet been located. A case has been opened at the kollur police station, and the young man's family has also arrived there. The water level in several reservoirs is already rising as a result of the intense rain that has been falling in North, Central, and Coastal karnataka during the past few days. In coastal karnataka, the IMD has already issued an Orange alert, and holidays have been declared for schools and institutions in Udupi, Dharwad, and other areas.
In the state's popular tourist locations, there were several selfie deaths. In the Belagavi area, four girls perished in a selfie-related waterfall accident in november of last year. Recently, the state administration forbade snapping pictures close to the well-known Gokak falls in the Belagavi areas and issued a harsh warning to violators.

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