The premiere of pooja Hegde's forthcoming movie, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, is currently scheduled. The movie, which also has salman khan, Venkatesh, and Jagapathi Babu in significant parts, is scheduled to hit theatres on april 21. pooja is currently quite busy as the movie is actively being promoted. On Sunday, the actor brightened up our weekend by sharing some images from the movie's promotional materials.
Pooja served as the muse for fashion designer FROW and chose a grey ruched bodycon long dress from the store's racks. Pooja's shape was wonderfully caressed by the sleeveless grey dress, which also highlighted her curves. The dress has ruched accents below the waist and a plunging neckline. pooja completed her style for the day with a pair of chic silver earrings from Karishma Joolry.
Pooja had her hair open in wavy curls with a side part and was dressed in nude eyeshadow, mascara-coated eyelashes, contoured cheekbones, and a shade of nude lipstick. Her look was created by fashion stylist Mohit Rai. Pooja's fashion journals continue to improve. pooja published a number of images the other day that showed her in a fairytale-like setting. pooja complemented her elegant white gown with white gloves and a diamond neck necklace, looking as gorgeous as ever.