Your phone will blast due to this one mistake in summer


Smartphone Blast Reason: Your phone will blast due to this one mistake in summer, avoid it like this

Due to the rising temperature in summer, it becomes difficult to charge and use the smartphone. Phones charge slowly or do not charge at all. Due to the lack of a good cooling system, phones get heated up even when using the internet.

How to Cool Down Your Smartphone in Summer: The temperature is increasing day by day in the summer season. In such a situation, both charging and using the smartphone has become difficult. Some phones are charging very slowly. At the same time, some people's phones are not charging. In such a situation, know why this happens and also know some tips by which you can take care of your phone in summer.

Like every machine, high temperature is not good for smartphones. Phones work better at a normal temperature, neither too cold nor too hot. In summer, due to high outside temperatures, phones also get hot. Smartphones sometimes get hot even by just using the internet if it does not have a good cooling system. New phones which have new processors and better screens, also get hot due to better performance and then it may take some time for them to cool down.

Do not use the phone in direct sunlight.

If you use the phone in direct sunlight, the phone will reduce its brightness and sometimes even prohibit the use of a camera and flashlight. Because of high brightness, theuse of a camera and flashlight generates a lot of heat. To prevent the phone from getting too hot and causing some damage to its parts, the phone also reduces its performance for some time after doing all these things. So that the phone cools down a bit.

If the phone is charging slowly or not charging at all in summer, it does not mean that it is damaged. Sometimes the phone does this to protect itself from heat. New smartphones charge much faster than before. Due to this, the phone gets hot. If the sensor inside the phone senses excessive heat, then the phone slows down charging or even stops it, so that the phone can cool down.

Tips for charging your smartphone in summer

- Always charge the phone by removing the cover so that there is no heat trap in the phone.

- Use wired charging instead of wireless charging in the smartphone.

- If the phone is old then its battery can also be damaged due to which the phone can get hot or charge slowly.

How can we take care?

- Always charge the phone with the company's charger.

- If the phone gets hot, give it time to cool down.

- Do not let the battery discharge completely.

- Do not overcharge the phone.

- Make sure that there is no damage to the phone.

- Remove the cover to cool the phone quickly.

- If water ever gets into the phone, do not use it without drying it completely.

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