Expert Insights Into The Impact Of RBI Regulations


Adapting To Change: Expert Insights Into The Impact Of RBI Regulations On NBFCs And Fintech Ecosystem

As we delve into the current financial year, it's paramount to dissect the nuanced interplay between RBI directives and the adaptability of NBFCs and fintech firms

Adapting To Change

The RBI's regulations have a big impact on the dynamic financial services industry as they continue to shape the growth of the fintech ecosystem and NBFCs. With each regulatory amendment, a ripple effect permeates through the industry, impacting operations, innovation, and ultimately, the consumer experience. As we delve into the current financial year, it's paramount to dissect the nuanced interplay between RBI directives and the adaptability of NBFCs and fintech firms.

An eagerly anticipated event for the fintech industry that unfolded last calendar year was the promulgation of the Guidelines on Default Loss Guarantee (DLG) in wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital Lending. The Guidelines brought about much-needed clarity on whether and to what extent DLGs could be used to cover the exposure of regulated entities like banks and NBFCs in wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital lending arrangements.

While this clarity was generally welcomed by NBFC and the fintech industry, certain quarters of the industry felt that the 5 percent cap on the DLG needed a relook, as it could adversely affect the confidence of lenders in taking exposure in certain segments of credit, particularly in unsecured credit and thereby affect business volumes in such credit segment. Additionally, the requirement of maintenance of the DLG in the form of fixed deposits, cash deposits, or bank guarantees necessitated a relook by lending institutions into several existing DLG arrangements, which had been negotiated as corporate guarantees. It also placed demands on the loan service providing fintechs to raise tangible resources to be able to provide DLGs.

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