How can one get a job at Apple?


How can one get a job at Apple? Tim Cook told me 4 skills, do you have them?

 Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked a question how do people get jobs in his company? read what Tim said in response to this

Tim Cook

People associated with the technology sector want that they get a chance to work with big companies. For example, if a person does coding, writing, software, design, etc. then he dreams that someday he will work for a big company like Google, apple, or Microsoft. Even if it is not a dream, everyone likes to work with big companies for their growth. Today we are going to tell you how to get a job in mobile manufacturing company Apple. This question was asked to apple CEO Tim Cook in a podcast interview. Know what Tim Cook has said in response to this. He told in a podcast interview that to work in his company, a person should have characteristics like ability, creativity, and curiosity. That means, apart from bookish knowledge, a person should be first in all these also.

There's Another One for apple Employees 3 - Tim

When asked in an interview what apple employees have in common, Tim Cook said that they all believe that "one plus one equals three." After reading this, you might be wondering how. The team said that When one person's idea is shared with another person's idea, a new idea is born which includes the knowledge, experience, skills, etc. of both. Tim said that every employee of apple works on one. That means team game is a must for the company.

The company also pays attention to these skills

Tim said that the skill to which the company pays the most attention is collaboration. Cook said that the most important skill among the four skills is collaboration because it connects the other three skills. Let us tell you, apple launched the iphone 15 series in September. Under this series, the company has launched 4 phones, out of which the iphone 15 and iphone 15 Plus are being assembled in india this time.

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