900 employees have been sacked via Zoom call!!!

S Venkateshwari
900 employees have been sacked via Zoom call!!!

The American media, which has been reporting on vishal Garg, has called the staff via zoom call, a call from Hell. In a zoom ring, the CEO of Better.com vishal Garg has laid off 900 individuals. The incident is hotly debated in the United States. Better.com offers services including mortgage, real estate, and insurance. Headquartered in New York, USA, the company employs about 10,000 people. In this case, the 900 people who work here received a zoom call last Wednesday. On the other end is the CEO of Better.Com, vishal Garg has spoken. Speaking to staff, vishal said, ‘If you were on this phone call, you would be one of those who were laid off. You are no longer have a job at Better.Com. ' The incident has caused a stir in the United States.

In his explanation of this action, vishal Garg said, 'Normally I would not behave like this. On the last time when I laid off employees via Zoom, I was in tears after the call. Those I fired were only working 2 hours a day. They have looted from coworkers and business clients. They have been fired for reasons including inefficiency and incompetence. 

As a result of this action, Better.com and its founder vishal Garg became very popular in several media outlets.

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