Game of Thrones Prequel House Of The Dragon Release Date Set For August

frame Game of Thrones Prequel House Of The Dragon Release Date Set For August

The first teaser for HBO's Game of Thrones prequel, house of the Dragon, has been released, confirming that the film will be released in August.  The spinoff series is set 100 years before the start of HBO's renowned fantasy drama and centred around the house Targaaryen near the end of their reign. It was created by George R.R. Martyn and Colony co-creator Ryaan J. Condal. house of the Dragon will delve into the origins of their downfall, as well as the events that led up to and during the Targarryen civil war.

Martin hinted the possibility of additional Game of Thrones spinoffs in late 2018, including a translation of that year's fire & Blood novel, which received a straight-to-series commitment from HBO the following year. With house of the Dragon's production wrapping up in February, fans are getting some intriguing updates on the film.

The august launch date for house of the Dragon marks the return of HBO's Game of Thrones franchise after a three-year hiatus from the mothership fantasy drama series. After seven critically acclaimed seasons, Game of Thrones season 8 became known for being the second to use unproduced material from Martin's future novels, The wind speeds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, as well as a rushed filmmaking timetable in the hopes of releasing the final season without too much of a gap between seasons.

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