Pakistan Cricket Board faces 739 crores loss..!?
The pakistan cricket Board has accepted the 2025 Champions Trophy series. Since it is an international cricket series to be held on Pakistani soil after about 29 years, it planned to make grand arrangements for this. The pakistan cricket Board spent about 869 crores on this series. pakistan received the license to host this series in 2021. Since then, work has started on the reconstruction of three cricket stadiums in Pakistan. 560 crores were spent on that alone. It was planned to host the 2025 Champions Trophy matches in three stadiums - Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi. A total of 560 crores were spent on those three stadiums. But this was 50 percent more than they had planned.
The cruel thing is that to make up for this loss, the salaries of the players playing domestic cricket in pakistan have been cut. The pakistan cricket Board has cut 90 percent of the salaries of Pakistani players playing domestic cricket. Moreover, it has been said that substitute players who have not played in the matches will now be paid only 12.50 percent of the salary paid so far. This means that if a substitute player was previously paid Rs 1000 per match, he will now be paid only Rs 125. Also, players playing in Pakistan's domestic cricket matches will no longer be provided with rooms in comfortable hotels. They will now have to stay in ordinary hostels. While criticism is already being raised that the domestic cricket infrastructure in pakistan is very poor, pakistan has made the domestic cricket system even weaker by preparing international-standard stadiums.