How much has the problem of adulteration in ghee increased?

S Venkateshwari
How much has the problem of adulteration in ghee increased?

NCBI has said in its report that cheap vegetable oil or animal fat is often mixed in cow ghee. This is a big problem and efforts are being made to stop it for many years. Mixing tallow (animal fat) in ghee is a serious problem. This is against the religious and cultural beliefs of india because many people are vegetarian. Cowis given the status of mother. Eating tallow can increase cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood. This can cause many more health problems. Adulterated ghee can cause many health problems such as digestive problems, heart diseases and cancer. Also, incidents of adulteration spoil the image of the country and reduce the credibility of indian products in the international market.

Why is ghee adulterated?

The problem of adulteration in ghee is common. Pure ghee is expensive. Due to the high price, some people look for low-cost options, which opens the way for adulteration. Adulteration is also resorted to to increase the supply due to high demand. Secondly, making pure ghee is a long and laborious process. Many small producers are unable to complete this process and thereforeresort to adulteration.

Adulterers want to make more profits by mixing poor quality oil or fat in ghee at a low price. There are many rules to prevent adulteration in food items but food safety rules are not strictly enforced. Many times, adulterators are not caught and do not get punished. Therefore, some traders continue to adulterate without any fear.

It is also common to mix other vegetable oils or fats in ghee. These are cheaper and are added to increase the quantity of ghee. Many consumers are not aware of the quality of ghee and they are unable to identify its purity. This also promotes adulteration as traders know that consumers will not be able to recognize the difference between real and adulterated ghee. For these reasons, there is always a possibility of adulteration in ghee. For this, it is important for customers to be aware and learn ways to identify purity.

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