In a meeting of the Santana Dharma Sabah, Lokamanya Title said: “A Hindu is he who believes that The Vedas contain self-evident and axiomatic truths.” The Hindu Mahan Sabah has given another definition “A Hindu is one who believes in a religion which Has originated in India.” “Those who burn the dead are Hindus.” This is another definition given by some. He who protects the cows and the Brahmins is a Hindu.” This is another definition given by some.  Some define: A Hindu is one who regards India as his motherland and the most sacred spot on earth.” Some other define: “He who calls and considers himself a Hindu is a Hindu.” Some define: “He who accepts the Vedas, the Smites, the purines and the Tetras as the basis of religion and of the rule of conduct and believes in one Supreme God in the Law of Kama or retributive Justice, and in reincarnation is a Hindu.”  “He who follows the Vedic or Santana-Dharma is a Hindu.” This is the definition by some. “He who is a follower of the Vedanta is a Hindu.” This is another definition given by some others. 

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