What do Hindus believe in


For many hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than beliefs. It is more what you do than you what you believe. hindus believe in a universal soul or god called Brahman. Brahman takes on many forms that some hindus worship as Gods or Goddess in their own right. hindus believe that there is a part of Brahman in everyone and this is called as “Atman”.


hinduism has neither Founder, single teacher nor any prophets. hinduism is not a single religion. hinduism is the practices of a variety of different religion groups which comes out of India. The spiritual goal of a hindu is to become one with Brahma. This freedom is referred to as Moksha. Until Moksha is achieved, a hindu believes that he/she will be repeatedly incarnated in order that he/she may work towards self-realization of the truth.


hindus can achieve Moksha through the Path of knowledge, meditation, devotion and good works. Most hindus have a personal god or Goddess such as shiva, Krishna, or lakshmi to whom they pray regularly. The Gods of hindu faith represents different forms of Brahman. These Gods are sent to help people to find the universal god Brahman. hinduism does not have one sacred book but has several scriptures. Most hindus worship every day at home and have a shrine there. Family members should often worship together. Pray god on a daily basis.

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