We already spoke about Dreams and how to decode them. We earlier said what does it mean if Snakes appear on dream. Dreams are like letters from the unconscious mind. Thanks to the increase in technology, we do have the ability to study and interpret our dreams.
If you dream as if you are being chased, you can ensure that it is a measure of self-awareness. Spiritual dreams come to everyone when the thoughts are positive. Have you ever seen Lord Shiva or his symbols like Trishul or snake in your dreams?
If so, it is a message to meditate each day. The dream comes from past life worship and desires to see Lord Shiva. Dreaming about Shivalinga means victory, troubles and problems being eradicated, the gain in money and wealth. The dream also indicates sign of completion.
If you see Lord Shiva and Parvati together in your dreams, it definitely means some new opportunity is going to knock your door. You will have profits in your business or job, you will have more wealth in abundance. Watching Shiva and Parvati together is a good omen.